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30 January 2009


Aly G

Oh dear what a sad story...not!

They say that "what goes around comes around" and I think this just proves it.

Let's hope all previous customers come along to Dive Barracuda and learn what real, honest, genuine, knowledgeable, friendly service looks like :-)


i'm amazed that a city like nottingham with so much water around it, doesn't have at least one place to dive.
if it wasn't such a battle to get a dive in, i'm sure more people would have a go/ stay active in the sport...


Its a shame to hear this.
There is another dive place opening up not too far away, we're just building the website. hopefully, I'll be able to tell you more about it soon. http://www.eastcoastdiving.co.uk
I think you've got a good site here, and I'd love to have your feedback aboout ours.

cheap jordans

Oh I do hope to visit some day! What a great place to work!

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